“7 Day Body Blitz”

You can browse Arbonne’s products at – http://ronaldpatt.arbonne.com/ – to register for ordering just click “Join Arbonne” tab, follow prompts, and start shopping. IF YOU REGISTER AS A “PREFERRED CLIENT” YOU WILL RECEIVE 20% DISCOUNT ON ALL OF YOUR ORDERS and a 50$ gift if you purchase 150$ of product(s) in 1st month!

Thanks for checking out the “7 Day Body Blitz”! I hope you will challenge yourself both mentally and physically for the next 7 days. With no further ado, here is day 1:

Day 1 – Drink 40oz of water with 1Tbsp lemon juice 30-60 min before breakfast. Eat 4 egg whites (boiled, baked, fried, or poached, yes you can add veggies) and 1 slice of whole wheat toast (no butter) with at least 5grms of protein in it (Arnold) for breakfast. No salt on eggs, pepper it up! A 4-6oz bowl of steel oats can substitute the toast, use unsweetened Almond Milk if you need milk.

Mid – Morning Snacky! Arbonne Protein Shake and 20 raw almonds, cashews, walnuts, or pecans – no salt on the nuts, they must be in their raw form!

For lunch – have – salad with any and all the veggies you want! They must be fresh veggies, no canned or frozen veggies.  With 5-8oz of 99% lean chicken or turkey. Fish is a great substitute. Any low sodium & low fat dressing you want, in moderation. No Cheese!

Mid – Afternoon Snacky! 1 Arbonne Fit Chew and an Arbonne Protein Shake!

Dinner – 6-8oz of lean turkey, chicken, pork, or fish and a healthy portion of any non-potato fresh veggie you want. You can cook the meat any way you desire and use any non-sodium seasoning you want. If you’re doing a marinade, low-sodium and low fat!  

Day 2 – Drink 40oz of water with 1Tbsp lemon juice 30-60 min before breakfast. Eat 4 egg whites (boiled, baked, fried, or poached, yes you can add veggies) and 1 slice of whole wheat toast (no butter) with at least 5grms of protein in it (Arnold) for breakfast. No salt on eggs, pepper it up! A 4-6oz bowl of steel oats can substitute the toast, use unsweetened Almond Milk if you need milk.

Mid – Morning Snacky! Arbonne Protein Shake and 20 raw almonds, cashews, walnuts, or pecans – no salt on the nuts, they must be in their raw form!

For lunch – TURKEY LOVE! This is a combo of 99% lean ground turkey breast (or chicken), brown rice or quinoa, black beans (or navy beans), fresh tomato and onion if you desire – You can cook the meat any way you want and use any non-sodium seasoning you want. If you’re doing a marinade, low-sodium and low fat!

Mid – Afternoon Snacky! 1 Arbonne Fit Chew and an Arbonne Protein Shake!

Dinner – 6-8oz of lean turkey, chicken, or fish and a healthy portion of any non-potato fresh veggie you want. You can cook the meat any way you desire and use any non-sodium seasoning you want. If you’re doing a marinade, low-sodium and low fat!

Day 3 – Repeat Day 1

Day 4 – Repeat Day 2

Day 5 – Repeat Day 1

Day 6 – Repeat Day 2

Day 7 – Repeat Day of your choice – replace dinner meat with 6oz filet mignon if desired!

Items you will need for one week of the “7 Day Body Blitz”! From Arbonne –

1 – 2lb pound bag of Arbonne Protein Powder – item #2070 for vanilla or #2069 for chocolate $74

1 – 7 Day Body Cleanse from Arbonne – item #2082 50$

1 – Bag of Arbonne Fit Chews – item #6114 for lemon or #2068 for chocolate or #2067 for caramel  22$

1 – Box of Arbonne Fizz Sticks (if you absolutely must have caffeine the 1st week) 2nd week is ok item #2077 for citrus or #2079 for pomegranate 52$

Additional Items From Grocery Store:

28 eggs

1 – Loaf of Arnold wheat bread or bread that contains 5 grams of protein per slice

Salad makings for 3 – 4 servings and 12 -16oz lean meat to go with salad if desired (I use deli meat)

1 – 20oz pack of 99% lean ground turkey or chicken

1 – 16oz can of low sodium beans 1 1/2 Cups cooked whole grain rice or quinoa

2 – Tomatoes                      Lemon juice for morning water intake

1 – 1lb bag of above mentioned nuts 7 – Servings of fresh veggies for evening meal –

7 servings of lean meat for evening meal

Cost per meal is around 7.00$ in week 1, which includes the 7 Day Body Cleanse

Cost per meal is around 4.00$ in week 2 because of the left over products that you are using, this does include the Fizz Sticks

Register here to order nutritional products:  http://ronaldpatt.arbonne.com/   Click “Join Arbonne” tab, register, (yes it’s free) and start shopping – item #’s are listed above for easier ordering. IF YOU REGISTER AS A “PREFERRED CLIENT” YOU WILL RECEIVE 20% DISCOUNT ON ALL OF YOUR ORDERS!

All of Arbonnes products are:

  • Manufactured by them (they have their own factories)
  • Botanically made (plant derived)
  • GMO free (no genetically modified organisms)
  • Gluten free
  • Vegan made (no animal by-products)
  • No artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners
  • No animal testing
  • Arbonne is a committed and accomplished  Green company
  • Arbonne is not only concerned about what’s in their products, but what is not
  • Arbonne launched to the public in 1980, no fly by night  – A Switzerland Based Company
  • Started Their Nutritional line 12 yrs ago

KEY ELEMENTS TO THIS “7 BODY BLITZ”– No Alcohol, No Fruit (can be added back in – week 2, at snack time), No dairy, No Red Meat, No Caffeine, Very Low Sugar & Sodium, Low Whole Grains.

Drink lots of water all day!

  Week 2 you can have moderate amounts of caffeine – I highly recommend Arbonne’s energy drink “The Fizz Stick”. It contains high grade botanical caffeine and a full day supply of B6, & B12. It’s an incredible alternative to coffee.

Turkey Love Recipe – 1 20oz pack of 99% lean turkey, 1 16oz can of low sodium beans, 1 1/2 cups of whole grain rice, 2 fresh tomatoes, sautéed onion, and seasonings of your choice. Brown meat in 2 TBLS olive oil, cook rice, then combine all ingredients. Provides four 6oz servings.

This is a simple but HIGHLY EFFECTIVE” 7 Day Body Blitz” to a new you! Got The Gumption To Hit It For 2 Weeks? Come On! Add 20 minutes of cardio to week 2 and watch what happens – you’ll have enough energy to light a small city up!

I’m supper excited for the transformation that is going to take place for you! Have an awesome day! Contact me at – downpatt@yahoo.com for any questions you may have. Respectfully, Ron Patt

It’s a clean simple plan! You can browse Arbonne’s products at http://ronaldpatt.arbonne.com/  – to register for ordering just click “Join Arbonne” tab, register, (yes it’s free) and start shopping. Arbonne also creates unparalleled skin, hair, and cosmetic products too!

Thank You…! Margret Lee

Thanks for letting me vendor at the Bronze State Meet Margret! An additional BIG thanks to everyone who stopped by my Arbonne vendor stand –  http://www.arbonne.com/Pws/ronaldpatt/store/AMUS/Profile/Register.aspx  It was a lot of fun talking and inter-acting with all of you. The Fit Chews & Fizz Sticks were the most popular items. The protein powder was a close 2nd! Just click on above link, get registered (yes, it’s free) thenimagesAV3CN4JW start shopping for all your nutritional, skin, hair, and cosmetic needs.  All the Arbonne products are gluten free, GMO free, vegan certified, contain no artificial flavors, colors, and sweeteners! Thanks Again, Ron Patt  downpatt@yahoo.com

My New Arbonne Web Site!


Hello All…!

My New Arbonne Website is up, running, and ready for you to geturfizzon! – with “The World’s Healthiest Margarita” made with the worlds healthiest energy drink! Mix the following – Fizz Stick, shot of patron, splash of orange juice, and squeeze of lime! You gotta try! Join Arbonne (it’s free) then browse all the incredible nutritional, skin, hair, and cosmetic products! Click the link and you’re ready to go! The woodpecker defiantly has it’s Fizz On! Yes, that’s a baby weasel on his back!


Have an awesome day! Ron Patt     downpatt@yahoo.com   #geturfizzon

Fizz stick margarita

Thank You…!

Just wanted to shout out a BIG thanks to everyone who stopped by my Arbonne ( http://www.arbonne.com ) vendor stand at the RGTC Girl Power gymnastics Invite this past weekend! It was a lot of fun talking and inter-acting with all of you. The Fit Chews & Fizz Sticks were the most popular items. I wanted to provide more information for those of you are interested in the protein powder. Click on this link for the info: https://thesource.arbonne.com/posts/670266-arbonne-essentials-protein-shake-mix protein skake 3 All the Arbonne products are gluten free, GMO free, vegan certified, contain no artificial flavors, colors, and sweeteners! Thanks Again, Ron Patt  downpatt@yahoo.com

You Are What You Eat….!

Running ManDay 31 of the New Year, if one of your New Year’s resolutions was to get healthier – ARE YOU ON TRACK? All of life’s GREAT changes come from within and work outward! That’s exactly what the “30 Days To Healthier Living & Beyond” program from Arbonne International will get you on track! Arbonne combines science with pure botanical ingredients to create world class products! This technology will transform parts of your lifestyle both physically and psychologically. It will add years to your life! How cool would it be to get 20 more Super Bowls in?! We cannot take for granted that all will be well, with little or no regard for our nutritional intake. Your body is built from the inside to the out. Your physical and mental wellness are directly affected by nutritional intake! Please take a look at the program. You will be impressed with the detail, depth, and devotion this program provides! The Program is 40% off right now, contact me if you need help or have questions.

Respectfully, Ron Patt  downpatt@yahoo.com   561-632-6969

Info Link: https://thesource.arbonne.com/posts/856728-30-days-to-healthy-living-and-beyond-support-guide

To Order: 1) Go To www.arbonne.com 2) Click Join Tab 3) Join As “Preferred Client” *Enter Independent Consultant ID# 21366343 when prompted in sign up process 4) Click “Shop” Tab 5) Go To Nutrition Tab, Then Go To Far Right Colum and Click Arbonne Special Value Packs 6) SCROLL DOWN, Choose “30 Days To Healthier Living & Beyond” pack. 7) Look in the “Special Products Qualifications” box to see your specials/rewards before completing a purchase – it is located below your “Order Summary” on the shopping cart page.

Thank You!

think pink meetJust wanted to shout out a BIG thanks to everyone who stopped by my Arbonne ( http://www.arbonne.com ) vendor stand at the Think Pink Gymnastics Invite this past weekend! It was a lot of fun talking and inter-acting with all of you. The Fit Chews & Fizz Sticks were the most popular items, with the protein powder coming in a close second! All the Arbonne products are gluten free, GMO free, vegan certified, contain no artificial flavors, colors, and sweeteners! Check them out at the provided links. Fizz Stick & Fit Chew link: https://www.arbonne.com/shop_online/showCatalog.asp?category=198

Protien link: https://www.arbonne.com/shop_online/showCatalog.asp?category=185

Please use ID# 21366343 when ordering.

Respectfully, Ron Patt

ARE YOU ON TRACK – For Your New Years Reso?

30 days 7

Day 21 of the New Year, if one of your New Year’s resolutions was to get healthier – ARE YOU ON TRACK? All of life’s GREAT changes come from within and work outward! That’s exactly what the “30 Days To Healthier Living & Beyond” program from Arbonne International will do for you! It will transform parts of your lifestyle both physically and psychologically. It will add years to your life! How cool would it be to get 20 more Super Bowls in?! Dam cool…! We cannot take for granted that all will be well, with little or no regard for our nutritional intake. Your body is built from the inside to the out. Your physical and mental wellness are directly affected by nutritional intake! Please take a look at the program. You will be impressed with the detail, depth, and devotion this program provides! The Program is still 40% off, contact me if you need help or have questions. Respectfully, Ron Patt  561-632-6969

Info Link:https://thesource.arbonne.com/…/856728-30-days-to-healthy-l…

To Order: 1) Go To www.arbonne.com 2) Click Join Tab 3) Join As “Preferred Client” *Enter Independent Consultant ID# 21366343 when prompted in sign up process 4) Click “Shop” Tab 5) Go To Nutrition Tab, Then Go To Far Right Colum and Click Arbonne Special Value Packs 6) SCROLL down and choose “30 Days To Healthier Living & Beyond” pack. 7) Look in the “Special Products Qualifications” box to see your specials/rewards before completing a purchase – it is located below your “Order Summary” on the shopping cart page.


D30 days 5ay 14 of the New Year, if one of your New Year’s resolutions was to get healthier – ARE YOU ON TRACK? All of life’s GREAT changes come from within and work outward! That’s exactly what the “30 Days To Healthier Living & Beyond” program from Arbonne International will do for you!  It will transform parts of your lifestyle both physically and psychologically. It will add years to your life! How cool would it be to get 20 more Super Bowls in?! Dam cool…! We cannot take for granted that all will be well, with little or no regard for our nutritional intake. Your body is built from the inside to the out. Your physical and mental wellness are directly affected by nutritional intake! Please take a look at the program. You will be impressed with the detail, depth, and devotion this program provides! The Program is still 40% off, contact me if you need help or have questions. Respectfully, Ron Patt

Info Link: https://thesource.arbonne.com/posts/856728-30-days-to-healthy-living-and-beyond-support-guide

To Order: 1) Go To www.arbonne.com 2) Click Join Tab 3) Join As “Preferred Client” *Enter Independent Consultant ID# 21366343 when prompted in sign up process 4) Click “Shop” Tab 5) Go To Nutrition Tab, Then Go To Far Right Colum and Click Arbonne Special Value Packs 6) Choose “30 Days To Healthier Living & Beyond” pack. 7) Look in the “Special Products Qualifications” box to see your specials/rewards before completing a purchase – it is located below your “Order Summary” on the shopping cart page.

Feed Your Muscles!

protein skake 5

Gotta Love The Pic! This protein TASTE AWESOME, and mixes super easy! It is 100% vegan certified, gluten free, No GMO’s, and No artificial ingredients! ORDER TODAY, Please use my ID# 21366343 when ordering. – Order Link:

Supplement Facts Serving Size 2 scoops (45 g)  Servings Per Container 30 Calories 160 Calories from Fat 30 Total Fat 3.5g Saturated Fat 0g Trans Fat 0g Cholesterol 0mg Total Carbohydrate 15g Dietary Fiber 2g Soluble Fiber 1g Insoluble Fiber 1g Sugars 9g Protein 20g

Contains easy to digest vegan protein, Contains over 20 vitamins and minerals to support good health, Chromium contributes to the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels, Dairy-free; Ideal for the lactose-intolerant, No whey or soy proteins, Kosher-certified, No cholesterol,

The link above will take you to Arbonne’s website – check out their complete nutritional line and their incredible skin, hair, and cosmetic products. If you have any questions please email me at downpatt@yahoo.com

Respectfully, Ron Patt / Arbonne Consultant

Arbonne’s Nutritional Line Includes Products For:

  • Weight Loss                 Fiber
  • Cleansing                     Energy Drink
  • Bone & Joint                Omega 3
  • Antioxidants                 Immune Support
  • Vitamins/Minerals        Healthy Snacks


protein shake 6

GET YOUR SHAKE ON! Get rid of the chip, cheez-its, soda, or candy bars for a snack and replace it with an awesome Arbonne Protein Shake – Watch the pounds melt away! They are 100% vegan certified, gluten free, No GMO’s, and No artificial ingredients! ORDER TODAY, Please use my ID# 21366343 when ordering. – Order Link:

Supplement Facts Serving Size 2 scoops (45 g)  Servings Per Container 30 Calories 160 Calories from Fat 30 Total Fat 3.5g Saturated Fat 0g Trans Fat 0g Cholesterol 0mg Total Carbohydrate 15g Dietary Fiber 2g Soluble Fiber 1g Insoluble Fiber 1g Sugars 9g Protein 20g

Contains easy to digest vegan protein, Contains over 20 vitamins and minerals to support good health, Chromium contributes to the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels, Dairy-free; Ideal for the lactose-intolerant, No whey or soy proteins, Kosher-certified, No cholesterol, No artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners,

The link above will take you to Arbonne’s website – check out their complete nutritional line and their incredible skin, hair, and cosmetic products. If you have any questions please email me at downpatt@yahoo.com

Respectfully, Ron Patt / Arbonne Consultant

Arbonne’s Nutritional Line Includes Products For:

  • Weight Loss                 Fiber
  • Cleansing                     Energy Drink
  • Bone & Joint                Omega 3
  • Antioxidants                 Immune Support
  • Vitamins/Minerals        Healthy Snacks