3 Awesome Fat Burning Exercises! 1. Goblet Squats: The Goblet Squat is arguably the best way to squat, period. It is very similar to regular squats, except for one small variation. With the goblet squat, you hold up a dumbbell, hands cupping one head of it close to your chest. (You can also use a Kettle-bell). When performing a Goblet Squat you front-load the weight which in turn allows you to keep your trunk more upright. This takes stress off your spine and works your thighs more. To get the most out of goblet squats and turn them in to a super efficient fat-burning workout, focus on high reps, short rest times and keep the tension on your legs. A further benefit of performing Goblet Squats is the activation of your core from holding the dumbbell (Kettle-bell), along with your arms and legs, making this an excellent full body workout. 2. Battle Ropes: Battle ropes are brutal on the arms, core and legs, and can be seen as a full body workout. Incorporating battle ropes into you workout is a fantastic way to really ramp up your metabolism and burn calories. An example workout: Perform as many waves as possible in 30-45 seconds. Once complete rest for 30-45 seconds, and then move onto the next exercise in the circuit and repeat. Once finished with the entire circuit. Rest for two to three minutes and repeat for a total of 6 rounds. 3. Sled Workouts: These workouts are used by trainers all over the world, they are a super efficient exercise and have been used to condition many elite athletes! One of the greatest aspects of incorporating a sled workout into your routine is the fact that there are literally unlimited options in terms of the type of workout you perform. You can use it to focus on endurance, speed, you can do a pyramid, you can push it, pull it, you can add weights to it, you can do sled intervals. Etc.. the list goes on. Sled workouts really are one of the best full body workout tools available. You can use it to build muscle, for developing endurance, it literally targets every muscle in the body, it is also a great workout for beginners as there is very low risk of injury. I highly recommend feeding those muscles with an Arbonne Protein Shake after every workout! Please Consider – ARBONNE for all of PURE nutritional needs! Come on check out the products! You will be highly impressed! Http://ronaldpatt.arbonne.com/ Sign on as Preferred Client and get 20% OFF ALL ORDERS! Respectfully, Ron Patt

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